I'm at the stage where I'm still in the throes of morning (a.k.a. "all day") sickness and despite the fact that I should be eating every few hours, planning meals is virtually impossible. What sounded like a good idea at 10 o'clock might be revolting at 10:15. Although, I have been able to find comfort with McDonald's cheeseburgers and sicilian pizza from the local pizzeria. Certainly not the healthiest of choices but I'm just glad that something sounds good.
I also noticed that I can't eat a full meal anymore. This is Kenny's new favorite joke. I'll complain that I'm STARVING and then I'll get something to eat, take a few bites and complain that I'm too full to finish. I cannot wait until I can eat like a normal person again.
Below is a picture of our ultrasound done at our 8-week appointment. The doctor said our little creature is growing nicely and the blood clot is much smaller so that's a big relief. She wants to see me at 10 weeks and then after that we'll go to the normal every 4 weeks schedule.
This was our first "official" baby appointment so they did the whole shabang with us. The PA reviewed 9 months of information in roughly 15 minutes. Then I was ushered to the lab where I begrudgingly gave 8 vials of blood. Yes, eight!! We go for a scan between weeks 11 to 13 where they can tell us if our baby is at risk for Downs Syndrome or Trisomy 18. A little scary. At 18 weeks we'll get to do the anatomy scan where we found out if we're having a boy or a girl. Can't wait!
9 Weeks
Your little booger is getting bigger!!!
Don't listen to Kenny, noone else does ;)
Oh, and there's a hashbrown in the car!!
I've been making that joke about you for years. This is not new behavior for you...just more so now.
Hi kids. I am very happy for you both that there is only one in there. Now that Kenny is getting the boy he wanted Heather you should pick out the name. It is only fair. I am so happy and this little boy will be the one to really tie this family together as one. We all love you so much and that will make our grandson so very special. Love you a lot.
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