I have been seriously slacking on my blogging duties. But in my defense it
was the holiday season and I've been diligently perfecting the art of the nap. Pre-pregnancy I was not a good napper. Either I couldn't fall asleep or I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning. Now, on days off I get up around 7:30-8ish, make breakfast, lay around for an hour or so then go back to bed to nap for a few hours. Apparently pregnancy = lazy.
I basically neglected the holiday season this year. Normally, I put lights up around the house, decorate the tree, send out cards to friends and family, do a lot of shopping. This year, I put the tree up and "decorated" it with lights and garland (it's a pre-lit fake tree, by the way) and that's it. Never put the decorations on it. Put the angel on top but never plugged her in. Didn't send cards out, devoted one hour on a day off to shopping (running to one mini mall and buying a bunch of gift cards) and that was the extent of it. In a nutshell, I am lame.
New Year's Eve Kenny and I stayed in, which we've done for the past few years because we're antisocial and I hate big crowds. Now, I admit I've never been able to stay up late but at least in years past I was able to make it until 11:30. This year, I only made it to 9:30. And it was downright painful to stay up that long.
Now everyone who's ever been pregnant will tell you that when you hit the second trimester it's like someone flicks a switch and suddenly you feel good and you've got energy again. I seriously hope they're not making that sh_t up. I will be seriously pissed. I hit the second tri on Sunday and I expect to wake up feeling like a new woman. I do feel less nauseous and my appetite is pretty much back (I'm sitting here eating an entire loaf of garlic bread as I type this). So that's good.
I told my boss yesterday that I'm pregnant and she was really sweet and very excited for me. It feels good for it not to be a secret anymore. Especially since I'm in that "is she pregnant or is she fat" stage.
Baby News: We had our first trimester NT scan where they do an ultrasound and bloodwork to determine the baby's likelihood of having Down's Syndrome and other related conditions. That little booger just would not cooperate. They needed him to move and all he would do is lay there waving his hands around. The u/s tech pointed out his tongue so I don't know if that means he was sticking it out or what. Mind you, they have you drink two huge glasses of water and hold your bladder for this ultrasound. So I had to pee REALLY badly and there they were for 45 minutes pressing on my belly, making me roll over on each side and then onto my belly. Not fun. I said he was lazy like his daddy and he said he was a brat like his mommy. Fair enough.
Finally, after about an hour they got all the pictures and measurements they needed. After that I gave some blood (because I haven't already given enough for the cause!) and they sent me on my way. The doctor called yesterday to tell us that everything looks great so now we'll just wait for the next set of tests. Second trimester, here we come!
12 Weeks 4 Days