I wish someone would have told me about all the little aches and pains and gas and all the other uncomfortable stuff that goes on during pregnancy. I mean, at least then I would have been better prepared. Less uncomfortable and digestively challenged? Probably not. But at least I would have expected it. Thankfully, my poor husband doesn't have to deal with stinky flatulent episodes. I don't have many, but when I do I prefer to have them in private whenever possible. (Sorry for the TMI but if you're going to read this blog you're going to have to get over it.) But the burping and the hiccups! I have lost any sort of control over these things. They sneak up in meetings, during conference calls, when I'm walking down the hall at work. I am a sexy beast. Before,
I decided when and where to bless people with this symphony of sounds. I was quite fond of my belching ability. But I only let them loose in front of a suitable audience. The people present during the aforementioned occasions certainly do not qualify. So if you work, live or have the misfortune of being near me during one of these episodes I apologize in advance.
Baby update: I've come to understand that referring to the baby as "he" in this blog has caused a bit of confusion. This is Kenny's doing as he insists we call the creature a "he" until we know otherwise. If the little booger cooperates, we will be finding out on February 11th. Stay tuned...
16 Weeks 3 Days
Here is a picture of my belly at 16 weeks.
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