I think the most frustrating part for me has been the development of the dreaded "pregnancy brain." I'm used to being organized and having my system, especially at work, and I'm finding that I need to fine tune it more because I forget routine things. And it's not just work. I've now been to the grocery store twice only to discover when I got home to cook something that I'm missing a key ingredient. I check the receipt, and sure enough I bought it. I just misplaced it somewhere between paying for it and bringing it home. I mean can't these kids have mercy on the poor pregnant lady and yell out to her that she forgot a bag? I suppose it's possible that they do call after me and I'm just so far gone in lala land that I don't even hear it. My friend Jessica suggested wearing a t-shirt that says something to the effect of, "I'm pregnant. Please make sure I load all my bags in the cart before walking away. Thank you." It's really not a bad idea.
Enough about me. We may have finally come up with a name for the little guy but Kenny is not ready to commit just yet so I won't post it here. I'll just tell you that it starts with a B so the middle name can't be an initial or start with J for fear of playground bullies who find it amusing to make fun of a poor kid just because his initials spell out BUG or BIG or BAG... you get the idea. Not that my kid would stand for any of that nonsense. He will surely be a devastatingly handsome, strong willed, genius child with his mommy's fondness for organization (I need someone on my side here to help Daddy along with this idea of finding a place for things).
Below is a picture of my sexy six pack, er I mean keg, at 28 weeks, 3 days.