The little bean is getting more and more active. Saturday morning I laid in bed for an hour just watching in awe as my stomach jerked around. He couldn't decide where he wanted to settle in for his next nap so he tried out a few different spots. He still likes to be nice and low, snuggled up right next to (or on top of) my bladder.
I have my next OB appt next Thursday. Just a regular torture-fest that starts with me trying desperately to pee in a cup rather than all over my hand (aiming is pretty much impossible at this point). Next I get to be weighed - awesomeness. Then the fun part where I get to listen to his heartbeat. The thingamabob that she uses to listen to his heartbeat (a doppler, I guess?) actually has some interference so you can hear a radio talk show. Makes it sound like there's a whole bunch of people in my stomach. Pretty funny. Anyway, about two weeks after that appt I have to go for my GD test (glucose tolerance to test for gestational diabetes). At that point I'll be 28 weeks and my appointments will be every two weeks instead of every four weeks. That makes me happy because I'll get more frequent reassurance that everything is fine in there.
Anywho, below is a picture of my belly we took yesterday. Looks pretty much the same as the last one we took three weeks ago.
25 Weeks 2 Days
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