I called the dr but kept getting the answering service. I called my mom who works in the same building as my dr and she went downstairs and told them what was going on and gave them my number. I was able to get in this afternoon to have an ultrasound. Thankfully Kenny was able to get the rest of the day off and come with me.
I was a wreck. Anxious, heart racing, jittery, so tense - I didn't know what to do with myself. We got to the dr at 1:00 and were in the exam room by 1:30. But as with any dr's office, just because you're in the exam room it doesn't mean the waiting is over! The dr finally came in at about 2 and started the ultrasound.
Within about 30 seconds she said that she saw a healthy baby with a good heartbeat and I broke down. I can't even begin to describe the unbelievable relief I felt when I heard her say those words. We got to see the baby a.k.a blob on the screen and saw the flicker of the heartbeat. Amazing. Completely surreal that this little tiny being is growing inside me. She measured the baby at 7 weeks, 1 day, so one day behind what I was estimating. That moves our due date back one day to July 13th.
She found a blood clot and said that was probably why I was spotting and that it would probably bleed out a little at a time. She told me to take it easy - no heavy lifting or exercise (no problem there!) and to get lots of rest. We will go back next Tuesday for our regular 8-week appointment.
So now I'm just going to focus on taking care of myself and laying low for a while. Kenny burned some meditation CDs for me so I can relax at night after work. Hopefully those will do the trick!
7 weeks 1 day
I love the bejesus out of my niece/nephew already. And of course, my sister-in-law.
Everything happens for a reason pretty lady. Use this time to catch up on some books/magazines/TV time.
I'm sure there is something on Wifetime that you've been wanting to watch...why, I don't know, but I'm sure there is.
You need me, gimme a holler!
I love him/her already. I can't wait. You rest all you can now. Let Kenny wait on you right now. That is his job. I am just around the bend if you need me just call. Love to all three of you.
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