This week I'm dealing with some serious allergies, which I've rarely had to deal with in my life. Started out with a horrendous sore throat on Monday and today I've graduated to a constant runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes. I just took some Benadryl so let's see if I can finish this blog entry before it kicks in and I dive face first into the keyboard.
Took the glucose tolerance test two weeks ago and found out on Tuesday that I passed - woo hoo! - but I am slightly anemic. So I'll be adding iron supplements to my nightly regimen. These puppies better not bring back the battle of the bowel movement or I'll be seriously pissed. My intestines and I have been on good terms for the last 6 weeks or so and I'd like to keep it that way. The dr also mentioned that I should eat more red meat and leafy vegetables. So I decided to have Sloppy Joes on Tuesday and Wednesday for dinner and tonight I had a giant cheeseburger. All for the baby - see what a good mommy I am!
Nevermind the fact that I have an appointment tomorrow where I'll be weighed. Ugh. I've gained a respectable amount so far, not too much, not too little. But I still have plenty of time left to put on some serious weight and I'm finding it harder and harder to eat healthy. When I get tired or sick I tend to just eat whatever I feel like eating. And considering a good night's sleep hasn't happened since the first trimester I'm pretty much tired all the time. I went walking three days this week though so hopefully that will help keep some of that fat off.
Mom and I had a practice photo shoot yesterday at Bruce Park in Greenwich. We're going to go back this weekend and do the real thing when the sun is in a better position. Here are some of my favorite shots from yesterday's shoot:
I don't know why I'm making such a weird face in this one:
30 Weeks 4 Days
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