Friday, May 30, 2008

33 Weeks

So. Tired. How am I ever going to catch up on my sleep if I can't get any now when the baby isn't even here yet?? And he is kicking my ass lately. Or at least my uterus. He's getting so big and squished in there that now I just feel elbows and other bony parts jabbing at me.

In fact, I think he's had enough of me. Yesterday morning on the way to work I was singing (loudly, as I'm fond of doing) and he proceeded to beat the crap out of me. During the day he moves here and there. But at night. Oh, at night, that's his favorite time. Calisthenics time. What's that mom, you want to sleep? Take that! He's got his triple-flip-somersault-back-handflip maneuver perfected.

We had his growth ultrasound last Thursday. Both grandmothers and Daddy came along to catch a glimpse of him. I had the doctor make sure he's still a boy and sure enough, his boy parts were all there and in the right place. (Woo hoo!) The doctor estimated that he was about 4lb 6oz at that point so he's right on track. He had the hiccups while she was doing the ultrasound and of course he was moving around like crazy. We could see his fists balled up, I'm pretty sure he was getting ready to give my uterus a sweet right hook. (Actually, Daddy would prefer left since he's determined to make the baby into a pitcher.)

Just over six weeks to go!

33 Weeks 5 Days

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