Mom put together a wonderful baby shower for me on Sunday. Who knew it would be around 100 degrees out?! We were at tables under canopies so it was shaded but good Lord it was hot!! There's something about me and big events that makes the weather very uncooperative - don't need to remind those of you who went to my wedding what lovely weather we had that day! Anyway, everybody was very generous and we received so many of our big-ticket items which is a big relief because that's less $$ we need to spend. Now I just need to remember to get those thank you cards out.
The heat wave is bringing some serious swelling (see exhibit A). I'm a full-time flip flop wearer at this point since nothing else fits comfortably over my sausage feet. The extra fluid has this fascinating ability to retain the shape of anything that touches my lower legs, ankles and feet. I just keep reminding myself, only a few more weeks to go...
Since I'm pretty much always complaining I've created a list of things I'll miss about being pregnant. Here goes:
~ Feeling the baby's kicks/punches/constant hiccups
~ Sympathetic strangers who go out of their way to hold doors for me
~ Eating ice cream every night with no guilt whatsoever
~ Gaining massive weight and being told by my dr that this is a good thing
~ The bliss of not knowing exactly what labor will feel like
~ Quiet nights
Internals and weekly appointments start next week, oh what fun! I have to keep reminding myself not to get excited if I'm making progress because it could mean absolutely nothing. There are women who walk around dilated for weeks and then there are women who are closed up tight at their appointment and end up going into labor that night. I'll just keep hoping he comes sooner rather than later!
35 Weeks 2 Days
Exhibit A:
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