I'm 100% effaced and like I said his head is nice and low. Still not dilated at all but I'm happy that I have any progress at all. I said if this baby is anything like his father he'll be making a late appearance but she said she wouldn't be surprised if I go early. Of course, in the next breath she said - but you could go past your due date. That's the problem with these babies, they just don't let you plan anything. Everything has to be a big surprise.
He was quiet Monday and Tuesday and of course I was worried that something was wrong. He was moving, just not as maniacally or often as he usually does. Today he more than made up for it. Apparently he was just resting up so he could torture me. Oh. my. God. He has not stopped moving. Digging his bony little heel into my uterus in the same spot over and over again. I keep pushing him back but that doesn't seem to be making any difference whatsoever. I think he's kind of pissed about the dr poking him with the ultrasound wand. She was really pushing down on my belly to get those measurements. Since he can't retaliate against her I guess he figures he might as well take it out on me. Thanks kid!
Here's a picture of my belly that we took on Sunday at 37 weeks. The belly button hasn't officially popped out yet. It's flat and has a little lip on top that pokes through my shirts so it looks like I have an outtie. Just another example of my red hot sexiness. ;)
37 Weeks 3 Days (18 days until my due date!)
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