I woke up at 2am on June 30th feeing really crampy. No discernable contractions yet. As the hours ticked by, I started to feel more noticable stops and starts but I was still in denial that this was actually labor. At about 4:30 am I noticed a trickle of warm something or other but thought maybe I had peed on myself? Not a totally uncommon occurrence at that stage in the game! I went to the bathroom to check things out. The fluid was definitely clear and odorless so I decided this would probably be a good time to wake Kenny up.
I gingerly sat on the bed and turned on my bedside lamp and in a quiet voice said Kenny's name. Which he actually heard, by some miracle. I told him I thought my water broke and he shot up so fast I thought he might fling himself right off the bed. After he absorbed what I told him he asked what we should do. I decided I would take a shower because who knew when I'd have another opportunity. Afer I got out of the shower the frequency and intensity of the contractions started to pick up so we started to time them using the website contractionmaster.com. This site is awesome. You just hit the spacebar every time a contraction starts and stops and it will time them for you. So as I was putting makeup on and blow drying my hair I would yell out "spacebar!" as each one started and stopped. Turned out the contractions were already very regular, coming at just under 5 minutes apart and just under one minute long each.
Kenny, in his concerned, "I'm not delivering this baby at home" voice declared that we should probably call the professionals and see what they thought. I told him that we should wait until we had timed them for an hour because I didn't want to get to the hospital only to be told that I hadn't progressed enough and be sent home. So after about an hour and a half of timing I called the dr who told me it was in fact time to get to the hospital. I think this was at around 6:45 or so. Time gets a little fuzzy after that.
We got to the hospital around 7:30 and were put in a labor and delivery room. The contractions had started to get more intense by now and there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that this was the real thing. We waited for my OB to make her rounds so I could be checked. I think she got there around 8:30-9ish and I had already dilated to 7 centimeters. I was in shock. I made it very clear that I wanted drugs so they pumped me full of fluids then tackled the anesthesiologist so he could give me the good stuff. Once I had the epidural I felt 1,000 times better. I could see my contractions on the monitor but felt no pain. The dr checked me again about an hour later and I was 9.5 centimeters. She told me I'd be ready to push within the hour.
Finally at 11:30 I was told it was time to start pushing. So with Kenny holding one leg and my mother holding the other, I pushed every time I felt the pressure of a contraction. I found it difficult to figure out the correct way to push at first and was certain this baby would never make it out. I had horrible reflux throughout my pregnancy and each time I pushed I felt waves of acid coming up. I ended up throwing up a few times when I was pushing. I found that to be one of the worst parts of labor for me. When the baby's head finally made it down low enough and I was pushing him out I felt the worst pain I've ever had in my life.
The nurse told me to stop pushing at that moment. So there I was with what felt like a giant boulder coming out of me and all I wanted to do was push this baby out. The dr came in and told me I could push him out. She told me to lean forward and watch and I saw our son come into the world. It took an hour and a half but Brendan Patrick finally made his appearance at 1:06pm at 38 weeks 1 day.
It's been a crazy ride getting used to having a baby who is completely dependent on us. He's a great baby, only getting fussy occasionally, but mostly just sleeping or chilling out watching everything going on around him. I've started a new family blog and will be posting over there instead of over here. The address is gaskafamily.blogspot.com.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
37 Week Updates
Had my second internal and the growth ultrasound today. The dr is now estimating Brendan to be about 7lb 2oz, give or take a pound. I was like, um, that sounds kind of big at 37 weeks but the dr didn't seem worried. I asked if she could tell whether or not he had a big head and she said he's so far down it's hard to get an accurate measurement. On the plus side, she said if there were any issues he wouldn't be as far down as he is so she thinks I'll have a nice vaginal birth.
I'm 100% effaced and like I said his head is nice and low. Still not dilated at all but I'm happy that I have any progress at all. I said if this baby is anything like his father he'll be making a late appearance but she said she wouldn't be surprised if I go early. Of course, in the next breath she said - but you could go past your due date. That's the problem with these babies, they just don't let you plan anything. Everything has to be a big surprise.
He was quiet Monday and Tuesday and of course I was worried that something was wrong. He was moving, just not as maniacally or often as he usually does. Today he more than made up for it. Apparently he was just resting up so he could torture me. Oh. my. God. He has not stopped moving. Digging his bony little heel into my uterus in the same spot over and over again. I keep pushing him back but that doesn't seem to be making any difference whatsoever. I think he's kind of pissed about the dr poking him with the ultrasound wand. She was really pushing down on my belly to get those measurements. Since he can't retaliate against her I guess he figures he might as well take it out on me. Thanks kid!
Here's a picture of my belly that we took on Sunday at 37 weeks. The belly button hasn't officially popped out yet. It's flat and has a little lip on top that pokes through my shirts so it looks like I have an outtie. Just another example of my red hot sexiness. ;)

37 Weeks 3 Days (18 days until my due date!)
I'm 100% effaced and like I said his head is nice and low. Still not dilated at all but I'm happy that I have any progress at all. I said if this baby is anything like his father he'll be making a late appearance but she said she wouldn't be surprised if I go early. Of course, in the next breath she said - but you could go past your due date. That's the problem with these babies, they just don't let you plan anything. Everything has to be a big surprise.
He was quiet Monday and Tuesday and of course I was worried that something was wrong. He was moving, just not as maniacally or often as he usually does. Today he more than made up for it. Apparently he was just resting up so he could torture me. Oh. my. God. He has not stopped moving. Digging his bony little heel into my uterus in the same spot over and over again. I keep pushing him back but that doesn't seem to be making any difference whatsoever. I think he's kind of pissed about the dr poking him with the ultrasound wand. She was really pushing down on my belly to get those measurements. Since he can't retaliate against her I guess he figures he might as well take it out on me. Thanks kid!
Here's a picture of my belly that we took on Sunday at 37 weeks. The belly button hasn't officially popped out yet. It's flat and has a little lip on top that pokes through my shirts so it looks like I have an outtie. Just another example of my red hot sexiness. ;)
37 Weeks 3 Days (18 days until my due date!)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
37 Weeks
Holy crap, I cannot believe that my due date is only three weeks away!! I started my weekly appointments last week and had my first internal. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Uncomfortable, yes, but the dr was mercifully quick about it. My cervix is still shut tight like Fort Knox but the baby is head down (good boy!) and nice and low. She is going to do another growth ultrasound this week to see how big Brendan is getting. I LOVE that my dr does so many ultrasounds. This will be my seventh (the first few were because of the blood clot). I'm excited to see him again.
He must be so squished in there, poor guy. He doesn't kick anymore, just squirms around and jabs me with something bony - I'm guessing his little foot. The other night I was sitting up in bed and rested a bottle of Maalox on my belly. He didn't like that one bit so he just kept pushing up against it until he knocked it off. Of course, being the pain in the ass that I am, I kept doing it. Kenny pointed out that the baby is keeping tabs and will most likely get me back after he's born. Not mommy's little angel! ;)
Our to do list is getting shorter but I'm still feeling overwhelmed with everything we need to get done before Brendan gets here. And I keep reminding Kenny that the baby isn't going to wait until we're ready, he can come anytime within the next four weeks. To which Kenny usually replies with something to the effect of, let's hit rewind on this project, we need more time. LOL. Yeah, not going to happen.
I'll try and get a belly pic up this week. It's really quite enormous. A lot of people comment that I'm carrying small which seems crazy to me. I was sitting on the bed putting makeup on yesterday and noticed that my stomach makes a nice shelf for my boobs to rest on. I am a sexy, sexy lady. Don't be jealous.
37 Weeks
He must be so squished in there, poor guy. He doesn't kick anymore, just squirms around and jabs me with something bony - I'm guessing his little foot. The other night I was sitting up in bed and rested a bottle of Maalox on my belly. He didn't like that one bit so he just kept pushing up against it until he knocked it off. Of course, being the pain in the ass that I am, I kept doing it. Kenny pointed out that the baby is keeping tabs and will most likely get me back after he's born. Not mommy's little angel! ;)
Our to do list is getting shorter but I'm still feeling overwhelmed with everything we need to get done before Brendan gets here. And I keep reminding Kenny that the baby isn't going to wait until we're ready, he can come anytime within the next four weeks. To which Kenny usually replies with something to the effect of, let's hit rewind on this project, we need more time. LOL. Yeah, not going to happen.
I'll try and get a belly pic up this week. It's really quite enormous. A lot of people comment that I'm carrying small which seems crazy to me. I was sitting on the bed putting makeup on yesterday and noticed that my stomach makes a nice shelf for my boobs to rest on. I am a sexy, sexy lady. Don't be jealous.
37 Weeks
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
35 Weeks
Getting closer! He'll be here anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks which is just craziness. We still have so much to do around the house to prepare.
Mom put together a wonderful baby shower for me on Sunday. Who knew it would be around 100 degrees out?! We were at tables under canopies so it was shaded but good Lord it was hot!! There's something about me and big events that makes the weather very uncooperative - don't need to remind those of you who went to my wedding what lovely weather we had that day! Anyway, everybody was very generous and we received so many of our big-ticket items which is a big relief because that's less $$ we need to spend. Now I just need to remember to get those thank you cards out.
The heat wave is bringing some serious swelling (see exhibit A). I'm a full-time flip flop wearer at this point since nothing else fits comfortably over my sausage feet. The extra fluid has this fascinating ability to retain the shape of anything that touches my lower legs, ankles and feet. I just keep reminding myself, only a few more weeks to go...
Since I'm pretty much always complaining I've created a list of things I'll miss about being pregnant. Here goes:
~ Feeling the baby's kicks/punches/constant hiccups
~ Sympathetic strangers who go out of their way to hold doors for me
~ Eating ice cream every night with no guilt whatsoever
~ Gaining massive weight and being told by my dr that this is a good thing
~ The bliss of not knowing exactly what labor will feel like
~ Quiet nights
Internals and weekly appointments start next week, oh what fun! I have to keep reminding myself not to get excited if I'm making progress because it could mean absolutely nothing. There are women who walk around dilated for weeks and then there are women who are closed up tight at their appointment and end up going into labor that night. I'll just keep hoping he comes sooner rather than later!
35 Weeks 2 Days
Exhibit A:
Mom put together a wonderful baby shower for me on Sunday. Who knew it would be around 100 degrees out?! We were at tables under canopies so it was shaded but good Lord it was hot!! There's something about me and big events that makes the weather very uncooperative - don't need to remind those of you who went to my wedding what lovely weather we had that day! Anyway, everybody was very generous and we received so many of our big-ticket items which is a big relief because that's less $$ we need to spend. Now I just need to remember to get those thank you cards out.
The heat wave is bringing some serious swelling (see exhibit A). I'm a full-time flip flop wearer at this point since nothing else fits comfortably over my sausage feet. The extra fluid has this fascinating ability to retain the shape of anything that touches my lower legs, ankles and feet. I just keep reminding myself, only a few more weeks to go...
Since I'm pretty much always complaining I've created a list of things I'll miss about being pregnant. Here goes:
~ Feeling the baby's kicks/punches/constant hiccups
~ Sympathetic strangers who go out of their way to hold doors for me
~ Eating ice cream every night with no guilt whatsoever
~ Gaining massive weight and being told by my dr that this is a good thing
~ The bliss of not knowing exactly what labor will feel like
~ Quiet nights
Internals and weekly appointments start next week, oh what fun! I have to keep reminding myself not to get excited if I'm making progress because it could mean absolutely nothing. There are women who walk around dilated for weeks and then there are women who are closed up tight at their appointment and end up going into labor that night. I'll just keep hoping he comes sooner rather than later!
35 Weeks 2 Days
Exhibit A:
Friday, May 30, 2008
33 Weeks
So. Tired. How am I ever going to catch up on my sleep if I can't get any now when the baby isn't even here yet?? And he is kicking my ass lately. Or at least my uterus. He's getting so big and squished in there that now I just feel elbows and other bony parts jabbing at me.
In fact, I think he's had enough of me. Yesterday morning on the way to work I was singing (loudly, as I'm fond of doing) and he proceeded to beat the crap out of me. During the day he moves here and there. But at night. Oh, at night, that's his favorite time. Calisthenics time. What's that mom, you want to sleep? Take that! He's got his triple-flip-somersault-back-handflip maneuver perfected.
We had his growth ultrasound last Thursday. Both grandmothers and Daddy came along to catch a glimpse of him. I had the doctor make sure he's still a boy and sure enough, his boy parts were all there and in the right place. (Woo hoo!) The doctor estimated that he was about 4lb 6oz at that point so he's right on track. He had the hiccups while she was doing the ultrasound and of course he was moving around like crazy. We could see his fists balled up, I'm pretty sure he was getting ready to give my uterus a sweet right hook. (Actually, Daddy would prefer left since he's determined to make the baby into a pitcher.)
Just over six weeks to go!
33 Weeks 5 Days
In fact, I think he's had enough of me. Yesterday morning on the way to work I was singing (loudly, as I'm fond of doing) and he proceeded to beat the crap out of me. During the day he moves here and there. But at night. Oh, at night, that's his favorite time. Calisthenics time. What's that mom, you want to sleep? Take that! He's got his triple-flip-somersault-back-handflip maneuver perfected.
We had his growth ultrasound last Thursday. Both grandmothers and Daddy came along to catch a glimpse of him. I had the doctor make sure he's still a boy and sure enough, his boy parts were all there and in the right place. (Woo hoo!) The doctor estimated that he was about 4lb 6oz at that point so he's right on track. He had the hiccups while she was doing the ultrasound and of course he was moving around like crazy. We could see his fists balled up, I'm pretty sure he was getting ready to give my uterus a sweet right hook. (Actually, Daddy would prefer left since he's determined to make the baby into a pitcher.)
Just over six weeks to go!
33 Weeks 5 Days
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
32 Weeks
My ankles are missing. They have been replaced by cankles. Two of them. Big, puffy ones with no discernible bone matter whatsoever. Wonderful.
Currently, the joys of pregnancy seem to only include puffiness and lots of weird aches and pains. I don't remember going horseback riding but it sure as shit feels like I did. Hours and hours of horseback riding. And I've never even been so I'm just guessing about what the after-effects feel like. Other than that I've got a nice sharp pain somewhere in the vicinity of my upper right rib cage from coughing too much (acid reflux + allergies = constant sore throat) and lots of random aches in my back.
On a happier note, I'll get to see the little booger on Thursday. The dr wants to do an ultrasound to see how big he's getting so both grandmothers are coming along to check him out with me. Then Friday the three of us (or 4 of us since Booger Jr goes everywhere I go) are going to Noelle Day Spa in Stamford to get pampered. I'm getting a prenatal massage and I can't freaking wait.
32 Weeks 2 Days
Currently, the joys of pregnancy seem to only include puffiness and lots of weird aches and pains. I don't remember going horseback riding but it sure as shit feels like I did. Hours and hours of horseback riding. And I've never even been so I'm just guessing about what the after-effects feel like. Other than that I've got a nice sharp pain somewhere in the vicinity of my upper right rib cage from coughing too much (acid reflux + allergies = constant sore throat) and lots of random aches in my back.
On a happier note, I'll get to see the little booger on Thursday. The dr wants to do an ultrasound to see how big he's getting so both grandmothers are coming along to check him out with me. Then Friday the three of us (or 4 of us since Booger Jr goes everywhere I go) are going to Noelle Day Spa in Stamford to get pampered. I'm getting a prenatal massage and I can't freaking wait.
32 Weeks 2 Days
Thursday, May 8, 2008
30 Weeks
In less than 7 weeks I'll be considered "full term." Note to baby: Mommy would prefer it if you'd come closer to this side of 40 weeks (but not before 37!), rather than after 40 weeks.
This week I'm dealing with some serious allergies, which I've rarely had to deal with in my life. Started out with a horrendous sore throat on Monday and today I've graduated to a constant runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes. I just took some Benadryl so let's see if I can finish this blog entry before it kicks in and I dive face first into the keyboard.
Took the glucose tolerance test two weeks ago and found out on Tuesday that I passed - woo hoo! - but I am slightly anemic. So I'll be adding iron supplements to my nightly regimen. These puppies better not bring back the battle of the bowel movement or I'll be seriously pissed. My intestines and I have been on good terms for the last 6 weeks or so and I'd like to keep it that way. The dr also mentioned that I should eat more red meat and leafy vegetables. So I decided to have Sloppy Joes on Tuesday and Wednesday for dinner and tonight I had a giant cheeseburger. All for the baby - see what a good mommy I am!
Nevermind the fact that I have an appointment tomorrow where I'll be weighed. Ugh. I've gained a respectable amount so far, not too much, not too little. But I still have plenty of time left to put on some serious weight and I'm finding it harder and harder to eat healthy. When I get tired or sick I tend to just eat whatever I feel like eating. And considering a good night's sleep hasn't happened since the first trimester I'm pretty much tired all the time. I went walking three days this week though so hopefully that will help keep some of that fat off.
Mom and I had a practice photo shoot yesterday at Bruce Park in Greenwich. We're going to go back this weekend and do the real thing when the sun is in a better position. Here are some of my favorite shots from yesterday's shoot:

I don't know why I'm making such a weird face in this one:


30 Weeks 4 Days
This week I'm dealing with some serious allergies, which I've rarely had to deal with in my life. Started out with a horrendous sore throat on Monday and today I've graduated to a constant runny nose, sneezing and watery eyes. I just took some Benadryl so let's see if I can finish this blog entry before it kicks in and I dive face first into the keyboard.
Took the glucose tolerance test two weeks ago and found out on Tuesday that I passed - woo hoo! - but I am slightly anemic. So I'll be adding iron supplements to my nightly regimen. These puppies better not bring back the battle of the bowel movement or I'll be seriously pissed. My intestines and I have been on good terms for the last 6 weeks or so and I'd like to keep it that way. The dr also mentioned that I should eat more red meat and leafy vegetables. So I decided to have Sloppy Joes on Tuesday and Wednesday for dinner and tonight I had a giant cheeseburger. All for the baby - see what a good mommy I am!
Nevermind the fact that I have an appointment tomorrow where I'll be weighed. Ugh. I've gained a respectable amount so far, not too much, not too little. But I still have plenty of time left to put on some serious weight and I'm finding it harder and harder to eat healthy. When I get tired or sick I tend to just eat whatever I feel like eating. And considering a good night's sleep hasn't happened since the first trimester I'm pretty much tired all the time. I went walking three days this week though so hopefully that will help keep some of that fat off.
Mom and I had a practice photo shoot yesterday at Bruce Park in Greenwich. We're going to go back this weekend and do the real thing when the sun is in a better position. Here are some of my favorite shots from yesterday's shoot:
I don't know why I'm making such a weird face in this one:
30 Weeks 4 Days
Thursday, April 24, 2008
28 Weeks
I've made it to the final stretch - the third trimester. I go back and forth between feeling like I've been pregnant forever and feeling like the second trimester flew by. I feel pretty good, other than the normal aches and pains from storing extra bulk in the belly region so I can't complain too much.
I think the most frustrating part for me has been the development of the dreaded "pregnancy brain." I'm used to being organized and having my system, especially at work, and I'm finding that I need to fine tune it more because I forget routine things. And it's not just work. I've now been to the grocery store twice only to discover when I got home to cook something that I'm missing a key ingredient. I check the receipt, and sure enough I bought it. I just misplaced it somewhere between paying for it and bringing it home. I mean can't these kids have mercy on the poor pregnant lady and yell out to her that she forgot a bag? I suppose it's possible that they do call after me and I'm just so far gone in lala land that I don't even hear it. My friend Jessica suggested wearing a t-shirt that says something to the effect of, "I'm pregnant. Please make sure I load all my bags in the cart before walking away. Thank you." It's really not a bad idea.
Enough about me. We may have finally come up with a name for the little guy but Kenny is not ready to commit just yet so I won't post it here. I'll just tell you that it starts with a B so the middle name can't be an initial or start with J for fear of playground bullies who find it amusing to make fun of a poor kid just because his initials spell out BUG or BIG or BAG... you get the idea. Not that my kid would stand for any of that nonsense. He will surely be a devastatingly handsome, strong willed, genius child with his mommy's fondness for organization (I need someone on my side here to help Daddy along with this idea of finding a place for things).
Below is a picture of my sexy six pack, er I mean keg, at 28 weeks, 3 days.
I think the most frustrating part for me has been the development of the dreaded "pregnancy brain." I'm used to being organized and having my system, especially at work, and I'm finding that I need to fine tune it more because I forget routine things. And it's not just work. I've now been to the grocery store twice only to discover when I got home to cook something that I'm missing a key ingredient. I check the receipt, and sure enough I bought it. I just misplaced it somewhere between paying for it and bringing it home. I mean can't these kids have mercy on the poor pregnant lady and yell out to her that she forgot a bag? I suppose it's possible that they do call after me and I'm just so far gone in lala land that I don't even hear it. My friend Jessica suggested wearing a t-shirt that says something to the effect of, "I'm pregnant. Please make sure I load all my bags in the cart before walking away. Thank you." It's really not a bad idea.
Enough about me. We may have finally come up with a name for the little guy but Kenny is not ready to commit just yet so I won't post it here. I'll just tell you that it starts with a B so the middle name can't be an initial or start with J for fear of playground bullies who find it amusing to make fun of a poor kid just because his initials spell out BUG or BIG or BAG... you get the idea. Not that my kid would stand for any of that nonsense. He will surely be a devastatingly handsome, strong willed, genius child with his mommy's fondness for organization (I need someone on my side here to help Daddy along with this idea of finding a place for things).
Below is a picture of my sexy six pack, er I mean keg, at 28 weeks, 3 days.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
25 Weeks
My stomach doesn't look like it's getting any bigger, which I suppose is a good thing considering I've still got 3 months of girth to acquire. My faithful blog readers will be happy to know that my BM troubles seem to have passed for now. I've graduated to jump-out-of-bed-and-fall-on-the-floor leg cramps instead. If I had to pick one over the other, I suppose I prefer the leg cramps.
The little bean is getting more and more active. Saturday morning I laid in bed for an hour just watching in awe as my stomach jerked around. He couldn't decide where he wanted to settle in for his next nap so he tried out a few different spots. He still likes to be nice and low, snuggled up right next to (or on top of) my bladder.
I have my next OB appt next Thursday. Just a regular torture-fest that starts with me trying desperately to pee in a cup rather than all over my hand (aiming is pretty much impossible at this point). Next I get to be weighed - awesomeness. Then the fun part where I get to listen to his heartbeat. The thingamabob that she uses to listen to his heartbeat (a doppler, I guess?) actually has some interference so you can hear a radio talk show. Makes it sound like there's a whole bunch of people in my stomach. Pretty funny. Anyway, about two weeks after that appt I have to go for my GD test (glucose tolerance to test for gestational diabetes). At that point I'll be 28 weeks and my appointments will be every two weeks instead of every four weeks. That makes me happy because I'll get more frequent reassurance that everything is fine in there.
Anywho, below is a picture of my belly we took yesterday. Looks pretty much the same as the last one we took three weeks ago.
25 Weeks 2 Days
The little bean is getting more and more active. Saturday morning I laid in bed for an hour just watching in awe as my stomach jerked around. He couldn't decide where he wanted to settle in for his next nap so he tried out a few different spots. He still likes to be nice and low, snuggled up right next to (or on top of) my bladder.
I have my next OB appt next Thursday. Just a regular torture-fest that starts with me trying desperately to pee in a cup rather than all over my hand (aiming is pretty much impossible at this point). Next I get to be weighed - awesomeness. Then the fun part where I get to listen to his heartbeat. The thingamabob that she uses to listen to his heartbeat (a doppler, I guess?) actually has some interference so you can hear a radio talk show. Makes it sound like there's a whole bunch of people in my stomach. Pretty funny. Anyway, about two weeks after that appt I have to go for my GD test (glucose tolerance to test for gestational diabetes). At that point I'll be 28 weeks and my appointments will be every two weeks instead of every four weeks. That makes me happy because I'll get more frequent reassurance that everything is fine in there.
Anywho, below is a picture of my belly we took yesterday. Looks pretty much the same as the last one we took three weeks ago.
25 Weeks 2 Days
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Dear BM Gods...
There are few things worse than - how can I say this delicately - feeling the urgency of a bowel movement knocking at the door but being too backed up to get any relief. It got so bad I actually had to leave work on a day when half the department was out on vacation to begin with. Nothing like telling your boss about your constipation issues. Thankfully, she's pregnant too so she was very sympathetic. As I sit here washing down my bran muffin with some prune juice ::vomit:: I can say with absolutely certainty that I'm done with this crappy side effect. Pun intended.
The other night I was afraid all my powder room "efforts" actually did something to the baby because he was quiet all night. The next morning as I was driving to work I played a song over and over again singing at the top of my lungs and threatened to keep it up until he moved for Mommy. Finally, after about the third time, he gave me a few nice kicks to tell me to shut the hell up and let him sleep. He's just like his daddy, no appreciation for my raw talent.
Tomorrow night I have a work function to go to. A cocktail hour (cocktail-less for me) and then a sit-down dinner. I'm all about sitting down. Let's see how long I can stay awake for this one!
24 Weeks 3 Days
The other night I was afraid all my powder room "efforts" actually did something to the baby because he was quiet all night. The next morning as I was driving to work I played a song over and over again singing at the top of my lungs and threatened to keep it up until he moved for Mommy. Finally, after about the third time, he gave me a few nice kicks to tell me to shut the hell up and let him sleep. He's just like his daddy, no appreciation for my raw talent.
Tomorrow night I have a work function to go to. A cocktail hour (cocktail-less for me) and then a sit-down dinner. I'm all about sitting down. Let's see how long I can stay awake for this one!
24 Weeks 3 Days
Sunday, March 23, 2008
24 Weeks
The little jumping bean is more and more active as the days go by. Until a few days ago I could wake up for my nightly pee breaks and fall right back to sleep. Now he's flipping and flopping just like Mommy. I guess he's having a hard time getting comfortable too.
My cravings have changed from my usual salty to a new sweet one. This month we can't get enough ice cream. Last week we tried Moose Tracks - vanilla ice cream with chocolate swirls and peanut butter cups. This week we're having vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered pretzels. Great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. (OK, maybe that should say breakfast, lunch and dinner.) But don't worry, we're still getting plenty of protein, fruit and vegetables.
Other fun things happening this month: Bowel movements now require maximum effort for minimal payoff. Random dizzy spells. Spontaneous, uncontrollable yawning in meetings (that one might not be pregnancy related). Random people asking me how much weight I've gained. (This one I don't get. It's NEVER ok to ask a woman about her weight unless you're her doctor and it's your business. But there's something about pregnancy that makes people forget this rule.) Another growth spurt for the girls. (This one is truly a fun one. I've been waiting since puberty for this day. I finally broke down and bought three new bras about 2 weeks ago and it's looking like it's only a matter of days until those bite the dust too.)
24 Weeks
My cravings have changed from my usual salty to a new sweet one. This month we can't get enough ice cream. Last week we tried Moose Tracks - vanilla ice cream with chocolate swirls and peanut butter cups. This week we're having vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered pretzels. Great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. (OK, maybe that should say breakfast, lunch and dinner.) But don't worry, we're still getting plenty of protein, fruit and vegetables.
Other fun things happening this month: Bowel movements now require maximum effort for minimal payoff. Random dizzy spells. Spontaneous, uncontrollable yawning in meetings (that one might not be pregnancy related). Random people asking me how much weight I've gained. (This one I don't get. It's NEVER ok to ask a woman about her weight unless you're her doctor and it's your business. But there's something about pregnancy that makes people forget this rule.) Another growth spurt for the girls. (This one is truly a fun one. I've been waiting since puberty for this day. I finally broke down and bought three new bras about 2 weeks ago and it's looking like it's only a matter of days until those bite the dust too.)
24 Weeks
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
21 Weeks
First, let me start of with a PSA. That's public service announcement for those of you who aren't big on message boards. Anyway, when you're pregnant and eat too much Chinese food don't try to eat your daily dose of dried prunes until you've given your stomach substantial time to digest. Kenny was not terribly thrilled when I announced that I threw up, yet again, in the bathroom sink. I don't know what my aversion to the toilet is.
The baby has been on the move. I woke up on Saturday morning and could see him kicking me about two inches under my belly button. Until that time he was much lower, somewhere in the vicinity of my bladder which he frequently uses as a punching bag. He seems to have settled back down again over the last two days though so his venture into the higher regions of the womb was short lived. Let's hope he gets adventurous again and moves up for good soon.
Oh! Kenny finally felt him kick a few times last night. Very exciting!! It's fun that I get to feel him all the time, like we have a secret little club, but I'm glad Kenny was able to feel it too. It sort of solidifies the fact that there's a mobile creature shacking up in there, a fun litle fact that Kenny likes to remind me of on a very frequent basis. As if I can forget!
Today on the way home from work, the baby and I were enjoying the soundtrack from Les Mis. I was singing away at the top of my lungs and he was rolling around like crazy in there. I'm going to assume he was enjoying it and not trying to get away from all the noise. You're going to assume that too. When we're in the car I make sure to let him know which music "we" like. No sports radio or heavy metal like Daddy listens to. Yesterday morning was especially exciting because we heard Bon Jovi's "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and Pat Benatar's "We Belong." We LOVE those songs!!
We went to Buy Buy Baby on Sunday to start a registry. What an overwhelming experience. Too. Much. Stuff. I think we registered for about 5 things before I was too cranky to continue. We can do the bulk of it online though, so that makes it easier. Sort of.
21 Weeks 3 Days
The baby has been on the move. I woke up on Saturday morning and could see him kicking me about two inches under my belly button. Until that time he was much lower, somewhere in the vicinity of my bladder which he frequently uses as a punching bag. He seems to have settled back down again over the last two days though so his venture into the higher regions of the womb was short lived. Let's hope he gets adventurous again and moves up for good soon.
Oh! Kenny finally felt him kick a few times last night. Very exciting!! It's fun that I get to feel him all the time, like we have a secret little club, but I'm glad Kenny was able to feel it too. It sort of solidifies the fact that there's a mobile creature shacking up in there, a fun litle fact that Kenny likes to remind me of on a very frequent basis. As if I can forget!
Today on the way home from work, the baby and I were enjoying the soundtrack from Les Mis. I was singing away at the top of my lungs and he was rolling around like crazy in there. I'm going to assume he was enjoying it and not trying to get away from all the noise. You're going to assume that too. When we're in the car I make sure to let him know which music "we" like. No sports radio or heavy metal like Daddy listens to. Yesterday morning was especially exciting because we heard Bon Jovi's "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and Pat Benatar's "We Belong." We LOVE those songs!!
We went to Buy Buy Baby on Sunday to start a registry. What an overwhelming experience. Too. Much. Stuff. I think we registered for about 5 things before I was too cranky to continue. We can do the bulk of it online though, so that makes it easier. Sort of.
21 Weeks 3 Days
Monday, February 18, 2008
19 weeks
I can't believe I'm less than a week away from the halfway mark. We still have so much to do - registering, "de-junking" our apartment to make room for baby stuff, getting financially ready for my maternity leave (thankfully only 3 of the 12 weeks will be unpaid - at most), taking a tour of the hospital, possibly signing up for a birthing class. Oh, and the small task of choosing a name. You know, the one he will go by for oh, just his entire life. We both started lists of names we like so I'm hoping one will stand out for us. I'm thinking I might never find a name that I absolutely LOVE but I'm OK with that. I'll love him to bits and pieces and surely will grow to love his name because of that.
Speaking of baby. He's become much more active. He especially likes to kick Mommy when she's laying down at the end of a long day. He was particularly active during my commute home one night when the weather was really crappy and I was stuck in traffic. Look sweetcheeks, I'm going as fast as I can. I'm sorry the seatbelt and the waistband on my pants are taking up your personal space. It's such an odd feeling that I really can't describe other than to say it feels like there's someone practicing soft little kicks and punches inside my belly. He's a little trickster too because he'll be kicking like crazy and I'll tell Kenny to come over and feel and all action ceases as soon as Kenny's hand hits my belly. I'm hoping he'll get to feel it soon though.
Below is a picture of my belly today at 19 weeks 1 day.
Speaking of baby. He's become much more active. He especially likes to kick Mommy when she's laying down at the end of a long day. He was particularly active during my commute home one night when the weather was really crappy and I was stuck in traffic. Look sweetcheeks, I'm going as fast as I can. I'm sorry the seatbelt and the waistband on my pants are taking up your personal space. It's such an odd feeling that I really can't describe other than to say it feels like there's someone practicing soft little kicks and punches inside my belly. He's a little trickster too because he'll be kicking like crazy and I'll tell Kenny to come over and feel and all action ceases as soon as Kenny's hand hits my belly. I'm hoping he'll get to feel it soon though.
Below is a picture of my belly today at 19 weeks 1 day.
Monday, February 11, 2008
We had our BIG ultrasound today at 3:45. I was way too excited to do anything remotely productive at any point before this time. At the appointment, the tech took about 10,000 measurements and photos of all the major parts - heart, brain, spine, etc. We saw 10 toes, 10 fingers, two eyes, two long legs, and a very adorable face. Of course we wanted to know everything was looking good but c'mon, we were DYING to know what we were having.
After what seemed like an eternity the tech was ready to check the sex. Of course, the little booger was being all shy and crossing his legs and blocking our view with every appendage he could manage. The tech gave us her best guess based on what she saw and I thought we might have to leave with just that. Finally, after I gave him a stern talking to and the very patient tech poked him enough to irritate him into movement, he showed us his goods. As soon as she said "scrotum" and "penis" I started tearing up and Kenny had the absolute biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen. Whoever thought those two words could stir up so much emotion??
Once he got the hang of it, the baby just wouldn't stop flashing us. He even went so far as to grab himself - almost as if to say, "Is this what you were looking for?!" I told him several times today that it was a big day for Mommy and Daddy and that we needed him to cooperate. I guess he showed us who's boss. Not for long buddy, not for long...
18 weeks 1 day
After what seemed like an eternity the tech was ready to check the sex. Of course, the little booger was being all shy and crossing his legs and blocking our view with every appendage he could manage. The tech gave us her best guess based on what she saw and I thought we might have to leave with just that. Finally, after I gave him a stern talking to and the very patient tech poked him enough to irritate him into movement, he showed us his goods. As soon as she said "scrotum" and "penis" I started tearing up and Kenny had the absolute biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen. Whoever thought those two words could stir up so much emotion??
Once he got the hang of it, the baby just wouldn't stop flashing us. He even went so far as to grab himself - almost as if to say, "Is this what you were looking for?!" I told him several times today that it was a big day for Mommy and Daddy and that we needed him to cooperate. I guess he showed us who's boss. Not for long buddy, not for long...
18 weeks 1 day
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
16 Weeks
I wish someone would have told me about all the little aches and pains and gas and all the other uncomfortable stuff that goes on during pregnancy. I mean, at least then I would have been better prepared. Less uncomfortable and digestively challenged? Probably not. But at least I would have expected it. Thankfully, my poor husband doesn't have to deal with stinky flatulent episodes. I don't have many, but when I do I prefer to have them in private whenever possible. (Sorry for the TMI but if you're going to read this blog you're going to have to get over it.) But the burping and the hiccups! I have lost any sort of control over these things. They sneak up in meetings, during conference calls, when I'm walking down the hall at work. I am a sexy beast. Before, I decided when and where to bless people with this symphony of sounds. I was quite fond of my belching ability. But I only let them loose in front of a suitable audience. The people present during the aforementioned occasions certainly do not qualify. So if you work, live or have the misfortune of being near me during one of these episodes I apologize in advance.
Baby update: I've come to understand that referring to the baby as "he" in this blog has caused a bit of confusion. This is Kenny's doing as he insists we call the creature a "he" until we know otherwise. If the little booger cooperates, we will be finding out on February 11th. Stay tuned...
16 Weeks 3 Days
Here is a picture of my belly at 16 weeks.
Baby update: I've come to understand that referring to the baby as "he" in this blog has caused a bit of confusion. This is Kenny's doing as he insists we call the creature a "he" until we know otherwise. If the little booger cooperates, we will be finding out on February 11th. Stay tuned...
16 Weeks 3 Days
Here is a picture of my belly at 16 weeks.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Random Updates
I have been seriously slacking on my blogging duties. But in my defense it was the holiday season and I've been diligently perfecting the art of the nap. Pre-pregnancy I was not a good napper. Either I couldn't fall asleep or I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next morning. Now, on days off I get up around 7:30-8ish, make breakfast, lay around for an hour or so then go back to bed to nap for a few hours. Apparently pregnancy = lazy.
I basically neglected the holiday season this year. Normally, I put lights up around the house, decorate the tree, send out cards to friends and family, do a lot of shopping. This year, I put the tree up and "decorated" it with lights and garland (it's a pre-lit fake tree, by the way) and that's it. Never put the decorations on it. Put the angel on top but never plugged her in. Didn't send cards out, devoted one hour on a day off to shopping (running to one mini mall and buying a bunch of gift cards) and that was the extent of it. In a nutshell, I am lame.
New Year's Eve Kenny and I stayed in, which we've done for the past few years because we're antisocial and I hate big crowds. Now, I admit I've never been able to stay up late but at least in years past I was able to make it until 11:30. This year, I only made it to 9:30. And it was downright painful to stay up that long.
Now everyone who's ever been pregnant will tell you that when you hit the second trimester it's like someone flicks a switch and suddenly you feel good and you've got energy again. I seriously hope they're not making that sh_t up. I will be seriously pissed. I hit the second tri on Sunday and I expect to wake up feeling like a new woman. I do feel less nauseous and my appetite is pretty much back (I'm sitting here eating an entire loaf of garlic bread as I type this). So that's good.
I told my boss yesterday that I'm pregnant and she was really sweet and very excited for me. It feels good for it not to be a secret anymore. Especially since I'm in that "is she pregnant or is she fat" stage.
Baby News: We had our first trimester NT scan where they do an ultrasound and bloodwork to determine the baby's likelihood of having Down's Syndrome and other related conditions. That little booger just would not cooperate. They needed him to move and all he would do is lay there waving his hands around. The u/s tech pointed out his tongue so I don't know if that means he was sticking it out or what. Mind you, they have you drink two huge glasses of water and hold your bladder for this ultrasound. So I had to pee REALLY badly and there they were for 45 minutes pressing on my belly, making me roll over on each side and then onto my belly. Not fun. I said he was lazy like his daddy and he said he was a brat like his mommy. Fair enough.
Finally, after about an hour they got all the pictures and measurements they needed. After that I gave some blood (because I haven't already given enough for the cause!) and they sent me on my way. The doctor called yesterday to tell us that everything looks great so now we'll just wait for the next set of tests. Second trimester, here we come!
12 Weeks 4 Days
I basically neglected the holiday season this year. Normally, I put lights up around the house, decorate the tree, send out cards to friends and family, do a lot of shopping. This year, I put the tree up and "decorated" it with lights and garland (it's a pre-lit fake tree, by the way) and that's it. Never put the decorations on it. Put the angel on top but never plugged her in. Didn't send cards out, devoted one hour on a day off to shopping (running to one mini mall and buying a bunch of gift cards) and that was the extent of it. In a nutshell, I am lame.
New Year's Eve Kenny and I stayed in, which we've done for the past few years because we're antisocial and I hate big crowds. Now, I admit I've never been able to stay up late but at least in years past I was able to make it until 11:30. This year, I only made it to 9:30. And it was downright painful to stay up that long.
Now everyone who's ever been pregnant will tell you that when you hit the second trimester it's like someone flicks a switch and suddenly you feel good and you've got energy again. I seriously hope they're not making that sh_t up. I will be seriously pissed. I hit the second tri on Sunday and I expect to wake up feeling like a new woman. I do feel less nauseous and my appetite is pretty much back (I'm sitting here eating an entire loaf of garlic bread as I type this). So that's good.
I told my boss yesterday that I'm pregnant and she was really sweet and very excited for me. It feels good for it not to be a secret anymore. Especially since I'm in that "is she pregnant or is she fat" stage.
Baby News: We had our first trimester NT scan where they do an ultrasound and bloodwork to determine the baby's likelihood of having Down's Syndrome and other related conditions. That little booger just would not cooperate. They needed him to move and all he would do is lay there waving his hands around. The u/s tech pointed out his tongue so I don't know if that means he was sticking it out or what. Mind you, they have you drink two huge glasses of water and hold your bladder for this ultrasound. So I had to pee REALLY badly and there they were for 45 minutes pressing on my belly, making me roll over on each side and then onto my belly. Not fun. I said he was lazy like his daddy and he said he was a brat like his mommy. Fair enough.
Finally, after about an hour they got all the pictures and measurements they needed. After that I gave some blood (because I haven't already given enough for the cause!) and they sent me on my way. The doctor called yesterday to tell us that everything looks great so now we'll just wait for the next set of tests. Second trimester, here we come!
12 Weeks 4 Days
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